Double-Entry Bookkeeping
Double-entry bookkeeping is a process of recording business transactions in which each transaction affects two or more accounts. The double-entry system was popularized by an […]
Opportunity Cost
When it comes to allocating capital, most investors have limited resources and, therefore, must choose among competing alternatives. Investors make these choices with reference to […]
Money and Banking Part 7: Interest Rates
Money is a commodity like any other and like other commodities, money can be lent by those with a surplus to those with a deficit. […]
Money and Banking Part 6: Money and Prices
In a market economy, prices play a leading role in allocating scarce resources. Prices fulfill this function by conveying information to buyers and sellers about […]
Money and Banking Part 5: Monetary Policy
In this post, we discuss monetary policy and the role that central banks play in a modern economy. Although our focus is primarily on the […]
Money and Banking Part 4: Fractional Reserve Banking and Money Creation
In part 1 of this blog series, I referenced the famous bank run scene in the movie It’s a Wonderful Life. In the scene, a […]
Money and Banking Part 3: The Evolution of the U.S. Monetary System
In this post, we provide a brief overview of the history of the U.S. monetary system and track its evolution towards our current monetary system. […]
Money and Banking Part 2: Defining Money
In part 1 of this series, I discussed the bank run scene in the movie It’s a Wonderful Life. In the scene, the depositors at […]
Money and Banking Part 1: Introduction
In 2018, I put together a small booklet titled An Introduction to Money and Banking which I gave out to friends, potential clients, and anyone […]
Charlie Munger and the Multi-Disciplinary Approach to Business
In a previous post, I provided a brief sketch of the life and career of legendary investor Charlie Munger. In this post, I want to […]